Panda Helper

A treasure trove of App Stores

Panda Helper is the most popular 3rd-party App Store for iOS and Android APP download.

panda helper homepage

Safe and Trustworthy

Panda Helper is a safe and easy-to-use platform for downloading apps. It doesn’t require jailbreaking, providing an Apple ID, or rooting your device. The app is entirely secure and doesn’t access any of your personal information.

A Wealth of Apps

Panda Helper offers a wide range of app downloads on both iOS and Android. You can find official and unofficial apps and exclusive app test versions. If you need an app that cannot be found in the official app store, you can search for it here.

Extensive Game Tools

Panda Helper offers game tools that can meet most players’ needs, such as adjusting the game speed, auto click, and cloud save game data. Some of these game tools are free for VIP users, while others require only a small subscription fee.

panda helper a treasure trove of downloads

panda helper: a treasure trove of downloads

Panda Helper is a recommended third-party app store that provides a wide selection of free, edited, and filtered apps for Android and iOS devices without risking the device’s safety.

For Android users, the Android Version provides a safer alternative to third-party Android App Stores, where most download links may be invalid or have security risks. The Android version ensures that all apps have been tested and screened, making them safe and 100% working.

For iPhone and iPad users, Panda Helper does not require a jailbreak to install. The app store offers two different versions: the free version and the VIP version. The free version is not always available because the certificate may be revoked. The VIP version provides a more stable certificate and is available for a monthly payment plan. Panda Helper VIP members can also access game tools like cloud save and app cloner for free.

1,000,000 +


100,000 +

VIP Members

10 +

Game Tools

24 / 7

Customer Support

Why can you trust Panda Helper?

Third-party app stores have opened up new avenues for Android and iOS users to download apps beyond the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. However, many third-party app stores have limited access and may not be compatible with all devices, making it challenging for users to find reliable alternatives.

Panda Helper is a reliable app store with a large number of VIP members, receiving positive reviews and recommendations.

why can you trust panda helper

Downloading Security

Panda Helper uses sideloading technology for iPhones and iPads with Apple’s authorized certificate, allowing users to install apps without jailbreaking. For Android, it strictly checks and only lists safe and installable apps.

Data Security

Panda Helper only assists with app downloading and installation and does not collect user data or require Apple ID binding.

Customer Service

Customer service is available every day to help users solve problems.

what can Panda Helper offer?

A Large Number of Apps

You can download various apps, including official and unofficial ones, from Panda Helper. You can even find some historical or available versions of apps that have been taken down. You can also experience some app beta versions that cannot be downloaded from other app stores here.

Secure Download

Panda Helper does not pose any threat to your data security. You do not need to jailbreak, install Cydia, submit an Apple ID, or even register with an email to download and install apps. It also does not collect your personal privacy information or pose any threat to your phone usage.

Helpful Game Tools

If you need to enhance your gaming experience, Panda Helper offers game tools that can help you, including automatic clicking, accelerating or decelerating game playback speed, and modifying and storing functions.

24 / 7 Customer Support

You can contact customer service anytime via email to ask questions about app upgrades, download speed, installation package use, VIP membership, or promotional activities. Customer service is available all year round.